A 14yr old boy ran into his house yelling
"mom mom come quick, I have great
news!" The mother asked "what is it,
what's so exciting!" "I had sex for the first
time today!" replied the boy The mother
gasped, raised her hand and slapped the
boy across the face. "get up to your room
and stay ther until your father gets
home!!" yelled the mother.
An hour later
the boys father arrived home, got the
update from the mother and went
upstairs to talk to the boy.
"So I hear you had sex for the first time
today" said the father "Your mother is
upset, but I think this is something for a
father and son to celebrate! What do you
say we go and get you that motor-bike
you’ve been asking for?" "wow, answered
the boy, "But do you think we can wait
until tomorrow, my ass is still killing
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