Corona omicron funny memes and funny jokes Best Covid jokes COVID jokes for the office Coronavirus memes 2022 Quarantine memes funny Omicron virus memes 

Son: Father, I have passed 12th. Now I will become a doctor and will make medicine for corona. 
Dad: Will you betray the corona because of which you passed?
Woman: Brother, give red chili... 
Shopkeeper (from servant): Green... 
Give chili soon. 
Woman: Brother, I want red chili, not green. Shopkeeper: Sister, I will only give you red chili, green is the name of my servant.

Chinki: Jiju, how many times do you shave in a week? 
Brother-in-law: Fifty to sixty times. 
Chinki: How can this happen. 
Brother-in-law: Hey...I stayed the barber.
Bhabhi Ji - Dettol is soap? 
Shopkeeper - Yes... 
Sister-in-law - then wash your hands and give one kilo of flour.
As soon as the husband came home in the evening, the wife started doing kitchen...

Troubled husband - Hey man, I have come tired of the day, Let it be fresh first...!
 Wife - I was alone all day, So I am also getting fresh...!

 Best Covid jokes COVID jokes for the office Coronavirus memes 2022 Quarantine memes funny Omicron virus memes 
 Patient: Doctor, I am doing yoga, walking, drinking lemonade, steaming, gargling, applying mask, washing my hands 50 times a day to prevent corona, I have done the fast of Corona Mata, have got both doses of the vaccine. What else should I take now?
 Doctor: Now you can die just because of an arrow in your navel.