a ten year old child very carefully
was reading a book
Whose title was, 'How to raise children?
Mother: Why are you reading this book?
Baby - I want to see that
I am doing well or not…
The wife called the husband.
Husband: Hurry up, I am very busy.
Wife: There's good news and one bad news.
Husband: Just hear the good news…
This is not the time to hear bad news.
Wife: Okay. the good news is that
Our new car airbags
work perfectly. 😂
Girl hilarious memes
To remove the doubt of a suspicious wife,
Husband kept his beard, worshiped, recited
felt and read Gita, Ramayana too
started helping the poor
renounce all wrongdoings and worship the Lord
Engaged in devotion..!!
Now wife on phone, about her husband
I was telling a friend: -
Now in the circle of heaven's nymphs
Fitted to..!! , 😂
Condom hilarious memes
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